WPX Hosting FAQs 2021
Here we provide FAQs related to WPX Hosting, Pre-sale FAQs, etc..

Does WPX Hosting Sell SSL Certificates Or Can Help With SSL Integration?
- WPX Provides UNLIMITED FREE GOOGLE-SPONSORED SSL CERTIFICATES for their clients and You can install within 60 Seconds.
- You Can Check how fast it now installs these free Google-sponsored SSL’s inside your WPX Hosting user admin area.
What Is The WPX Hosting Refund Policy?
- Within the first 30 days of creating your WPX Hosting subscription, you may cancel the account via the ‘Cancel’ link inside your account dashboard. WPX Hosting will then refund the full amount paid upon request via the standard form in the ‘Cancel’ section.
- After the first 30 days, refunds are calculated on a pro-rata basis (for example, unused months on an annual subscription or unused days on a monthly plan).
- Once an account is canceled, WPX Hosting will deactivate the site/s and account, and all files will be deleted.
- Check Here For More about this.
Where Is The WPX Hosting Datacenter Located?
We are located in the world’s largest data center in Chicago and that means even faster speed and better service integrity for our hosting service customers
Has Traffic Planet Hosting Changed Its Name To WPX Hosting & Why?
- On October 4, 2016, Traffic Planet Hosting changed its name to WPX Hosting
- Yes, migration to WPX Hosting is totally free if you meet OUR SITE MIGRATION POLICY and is normally completed within 24 hours, once we have all the information from you that we need.
- Email service IS included for free with your WPX Hosting account BUT we highly recommend separating your email to a service like Google Apps or Zoho for enhanced performance – our main focus is on high-performance WordPress hosting.
- Check Here For More about reg Site Migration Requests.
Can I transfer my domain to WPX and what are the steps?
- Yes, you can. For transfer of the domain, you need to do the follow some procedure.
- Check the required Steps you need to follow Here
Does WPX Hosting Keep Backups Of Hosted Sites?
- Yes, we do backups on daily basis of all websites hosted with us and keep them in a separate server for 14 days.
- If you need to access one of those backups (from the past 14 days), let us know the exact date via a support ticket and we’ll get a hold of it for you.
- There is no charge for that backup retrieval.
- Keep in mind that we will not backup any Archive files (*.zip, *.tar, *.tar.gz, *.tgx, *.rar etc.) If you want to store your archives you can use cloud services like GoogleDrive, OneDrive, DropBOX etc.
- If you wish, you can also keep your own backups locally, with plugins like BackWPup (free) and Backup Buddy (not free).
Do Subdomains & Subfolders Use Up Hosting 'Slots' In My WPX Account?
- In your WPX hosting account – depending on your Package level – you will be allocated either 5, 15 or 35 website slots (we can also provide a custom quote on a higher number of websites)
- In short, subdomains DO use up available spaces in your hosting account (with the exception of WP Multisite installations) but subfolders DO NOT use up spaces/slots in your account (BUT do share the allocated resources for ONE website ‘slot’) so theoretically, you could have unlimited subfolders with different websites under a domain and not use up your website allocation.
Can I Purchase Extra IPs With WPX Hosting?
- WPX Hosting is super fast WordPress optimized hosting but not PBN/SEO hosting and we cannot provide you with dedicated IP addresses per website hosted here.
Can My Non-USA (e.g. UK) Site Be Hosted In The USA & Still Rank In Google In My Country?
- Yes You Can, Google FIRSTLY looks at the domain extension of a site in deciding in which country it should rank for BEFORE its hosting location.
- WPX host many sites from Italy, Brazil, UK, Germany, Turkey, and Australia, among many other countries, in our USA datacenter (the largest in the world, for added security and speed) and those sites rank perfectly well in their own countries.
- Visitors from those non-USA countries still get very fast page load speeds.
Does WPX Hosting Support PHP 7.0 / 7.1?
- Yes we do indeed and it can potentially improve the speed of your site/s significantly
- Check this Guide to Enable PHP 7.0 / 7.1 on WpxHosting
What Version Of PHP & MySQL Are Currently Running On WPX Hosting?
- WPX currently use PHP 5.3, PHP 5.4, PHP 5.6 and PHP 7.0. MySQL version is 5.5.
Can I Use phpMyAdmin With A WPX Hosting Account?
- Yes, You can Use phpMyAdmin With A WPX Hosting Account.
- Follow this steps to Use phpMyAdmin With A WPX Hosting Account.
Do I Need A CDN (Content Delivery Network) Service For My Site To Speed It Up?
- Yes, You Can use CDN Services like KeyCDN, MaxCDN, Amazon CloudFront or CloudFlare.
Can I Use SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) On WPX Hosting?
- Yes, we can enable SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) on any WPX Hosting account and we have users here already using SOAP on their WPX accounts.
- To enable SOAP on your hosting account or if you have further questions about it, just raise a support ticket with us here.
Does WPX Hosting Support Ioncube?
- By default, Ioncube loaders are NOT activated in WPX accounts but if you need Ioncube, please raise a support ticket and we will enable it for your account.
Wrapping Up:
If you have any other additional queries you can comment below. Share this FAQs related to WPX Hosting, Pre-sale FAQs, etc.. on social media also. If you need to purchase hosting Check WPX Hosting Discount Coupons for Awesome Deals and Discounts.